The focus of this blog post will be traditional art, I will be expanding on my likes and dislikes of traditional art, also, I will be choosing a traditional artist and just talking a bit about them.
My thoughts on traditional art:
I really like some traditional art, I think that it is very beautiful and valuable, being able to say that you saw a piece of traditional art is really cool! It is a great conversation piece, because everyone has heard of it. Its also pretty cool that it has withstood the test of time, it will never go old or unheard of. This is something I really like about traditional art, that no matter what, it will always be known. Unlike a piece of art that may be popular today, and may mean nothing to anyone in 10 years, 5 years, or even a year from now. It really shows how good the artist was that their work is still known to this day.
Tradition piece I want to analyse:
I am going to look at the Mona Lisa, this piece is a piece that everyone has either seen somewhere, or heard of at some point in their lives, it is a very beautiful piece of art. I like this one because I feel like everyone can connect to it somehow, weather they've seen a spoof of it in a cartoon, seen a mystery about in in the DaVinci code, or actually seen it with their own eyes.
Although I can recognise that the Mona Lisa is indeed beautiful, if it wasn't a traditional piece of art I do not think I would like it nearly as much. I think that the colours are kind of dull and it would not be a piece that would catch my eye.
However, since it is traditional, I have seen it over and over again, and have been able to analyse it.
I think that this piece became so popular and well known for a few reasons, some of which being:
-The painter it was done by, Leonardo da Vinci painted alot in his time and he managed to get his name out there
-The mystery in the painting, the girl is the focal point of the painting, and what is behind her is kind of faded and blurry, the location of this painting is not entirely known, and it is not known if the girl is even real or not, many of da Vincis painting are like thins and are thought o have a deeper meaning.
-The older the piece is, more and more people want to see it because it is now a treasure that can not be recreated.
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)
Leonardo da Vinci's style:
da Vinci and many other traditional artists painted a lot of religious paintings, because religion was a really big thing back in the 1400s-1800s, I'm not saying that its not now, but most people back in those days were extremely religious. This made his style of painting typically very religious as well. I feel like if he was a modern day painter, his work would not be as popular, because religious paintings are just not as popular any more. Also as I mentioned a little earlier, his paintings all have a sense of mystery to them, like a puzzle no one can figure out, it is really very intriguing, and he is not around to explain.
Some of da Vinci's other work:
The Last Supper

This piece is one that has caused a lot of controversy over the years, that's one of the reasons I like this piece. There have been movies made about it, documents wrote about it, it has just been analysed time and time again.
Vurtuvian Man

I don't really know a lot about this one, but I figured I would post it anyways, because I have seen it around a lot and I think it is kind of neat.
My conclusion about traditional art:
Traditional art is so unique and can never be recreated, that gives it so much value! We can also learn things from this art that no history text book could ever teach us. I think that this art is sacred, and it gives the viewer kinda a brief glance as to like what life could have been way back then, it shows the viewer what the artist valued, and also a bit about the way of life. It has a sense of mystery to it also which I think is the best part! However, in my opinion, if this art was not done so long ago, I do not think that it is anything super special. I would love to visit an art museum filled with traditional art! But as for art I would like to see on a daily basis in my own house and around town, it would have to be contemporary art. I don't like either of them better, I just think both are nice for different things.
I will make a post about a contemporary artist I like tomorrow :)