A few days ago, we got the parcel in the mail, we opened it up as a class, and found lots of Japanese treats, cool masks, and neat paper designs inside!
Here are some pictures of what they sent us.

This was really cool because it got the majority of my class hyped up about finishing the other half of the mural. We opened the mural last, and here is what we saw.

We now have the mural hanging over the whiteboard in our classroom so the whole class can see it while we are planning out what we will do on our half.
We were all asked to brainstorm and sketch either 3 or 4 ideas for possible layouts on the other half of the mural, we will then talk about these ideas as a class and choose the one we like the most, and the one most suitable to match the half of the mural that has already been painted.
We must remember that the theme of this mural is our legacy (what we want to leave behind). We must also take into consideration certain criteria while designing our half of the mural. This criteria includes color scheme, how well the layout goes with the Japanese side, originality, and if our design actually matches up with the Canadian culture, and legacy.
Yesterday, I sketched out 4 possible ideas. I will talk about them from least favorite to favorite.

Here is a picture of all 4, assume the first is 1 and the rest are in order until 4.
Least favorite: 4
This one is my least favorite design. I like the rainbow, because that would add color it our side, but that's about it. I think some of the reasons this one is my least favorite is because it was my last design so I had kind of already used up the rest of my ideas. Also, there is no real planning to it, I just drew what ever came to mind. It doesn't look like it would mesh with the Japanese side very well.
Second least favorite: 3
This is my second lease favorite. I kind of like the layout of this one, just because I have the trees going around, with the rocky's in the bad, and the hockey as a focus in the middle. But I feel like this is too typical, like its saying that all Canada is is winter and hockey. I feel like this is something that Japan would be expecting to get back in return, and we should give them something more original than that. I want to show a real Canadian legacy, not something you would find if you searched Canada on Google images.
Second favorite: 1
This one is my second favorite. I like the idea that this one has a kind of circular pattern, it looks welcoming. Also, if we were to do a campfire picture like this, we could have a lot of warm colors, and basically make the people wear any color to match and compliment the color scheme of the Japanese side. This also shows community involvement, and how we come from a very close knit community. Doing this design could also allow everyone in my class to get involved, everyone could be responsible for painting one person of something. The reason I do not like this one is because its a pretty dark picture and I would like it to be bright. Which brings me to my favorite sketch.
My favorite: 2
This one is my favorite for many reasons. I like how it is like copying Japan's idea. We would be using the same layout basically, but changing their point of view to ours. We could show the nature aspect and show how beautiful Canada really is. We would have our animals instead of theirs, our trees, and our views. I really like this idea because we would already have a general outline to go from. This would also look really cool as a whole mural, and it would look like we pre planned it. We could do fall colors and make the color schemes similar.
We will be choosing the layout tomorrow, whatever it is, I hope its something good that makes everyone happy:)
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